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乳腺癌的基因表達檢測方法 【?2006-08-22 發布?】 美迪醫訊
個體腫瘤基因活性能夠作為預測因子,諸如腫瘤的侵襲性,對不同治療的反應,是否會復發或者擴散。為了比較不同基因檢測方法的預測價值,北卡羅來那州大學(UNC)醫學院(Chapel Hill, NC, USA)基因和病理學助理教授Charles M. Perou醫生和他的同事,研究了5種不同預測因子的一致性,這些因子被應用在能夠得到患者生存資料的295例腫瘤樣本中。 在2006年8月10日《新英格蘭醫學期刊》上,研究人員指出4種預測因子,在個體乳腺癌患者的轉歸預測方面,顯示出"顯著的一致性",盡管很少有基因重疊。其中3種預測因子一致性最高,兩種是商品化的檢測方法,正在用于指導臨床試驗。 Activity patterns in the genes of individual tumors can be predictors of how likely the tumors are to be invasive, how well they might respond to different treatments, and how likely they are to recur or spread. To compare the individual predictions made by different genomic tests, Dr. Charles M. Perou, assistant professor of genetics and pathology at the University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Medicine (Chapel Hill, NC, USA), and colleagues studied the concordance of five different predictors that were all applied to a single data set of 295 tumor samples for which patient survival data were available. Writing in the August 10, 2006, issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, the researchers note that four predictors showed "significant agreement" in their outcome predictions on individual breast cancer patients, despite having little gene overlap. Of the three predictors showing the greatest concordance, two were the main assays that are commercially available and being used to guide clinical trials. 本文關鍵字:
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