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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 西門子在成像設備中嵌入CamtasiaStudio  


【?2004-07-22 發布?】 美迪醫訊

TechSmith公司是世界上屏幕攝像解決方案的領先廠商,最近它宣布了西門子醫療系統將在影像設備中安裝Camtasia Studio,這種軟件,國內有人稱之為強力屏幕攝像機,安裝這種軟件后,影像設備給病人進行檢查時就可以錄音錄像了,據稱,雙方簽署了數年的合同。



OKEMOS, Mich.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 7, 2004-- TechSmith Corp., the world's leading provider of screen capture and recording solutions, today announced that Siemens Medical Solutions, a business unit of Siemens AG (NYSE:SI - News), has signed a multi-year agreement to embed TechSmith's Camtasia Studio real-time, screen-recording software in thousands of medical devices.

Camtasia Studio records all activity that appears on a medical device's monitor. Siemens will embed the software on devices used for angiograms, colonoscopies, computed tomography imaging (CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and many other procedures. Camtasia Studio will also be embedded in picture archival and communication systems (PACS), which enable network transfers of complete digital study files, and LEONARDO workstations, which are used for post-exam image processing, review and diagnosis.

"We are committed to providing medical professionals with innovative and easy-to-use equipment that enables an expedited workflow, enhanced collaboration, and better patient care," said Robert Hebel, Vice President of Marketing for Software Components, Siemens Medical Solutions. "By leveraging Camtasia Studio's powerful recording technology, we are able to offer medical devices with the unique capability to record the results of a diagnostic evaluation. These recordings will help break down barriers between the medical specialist, referring physicians, and patients by enhancing written information with visual images. Physicians will be able to share findings with colleagues via actual video rather than notes and still images."

Camtasia Studio is the software industry's leading screen recording and production software. The product's lossless (i.e., perfect) recordings are ideal for capturing the nuances and details of medical examinations, and physicians are able to add voice narration to their videos for additional clarity and insight. Medical researchers can take advantage of the software's advanced editing features to zoom, pan or highlight specific portions of an exam video.

"We're excited about our long-term relationship with a company as widely respected and trusted as Siemens," said Troy Stein, Camtasia Studio Marketing Manager at TechSmith. "Siemens, like thousands of organizations around the world, understands that screen recordings make for better communication than words or still photos alone. That's true whether you're responsible for training employees on new software or recording sensitive medical procedures. Anyone who uses a computer can save time and improve the quality of their work by recording and archiving what they see."

About Siemens Medical Solutions

Siemens Medical Solutions, a business unit of Siemens AG (NYSE:SI - News), is based in Malvern, Pennsylvania and Erlangen, Germany. It is one of the largest suppliers to the healthcare industry in the world. The company is known for bringing together innovative medical technologies, healthcare information systems, management consulting, and support services to help customers achieve tangible, sustainable, clinical and financial outcomes. Employing approximately 31,000 people worldwide and operating in more than 120 countries, Siemens Medical Solutions reported sales of 7.4 billion EUR, orders of 7.8 billion EUR and group profit of 1.1 billion EUR for fiscal 2003. More information can be obtained by visiting

About TechSmith Corporation

TechSmith Corporation was founded in 1987 and is located in Okemos, Michigan. TechSmith provides practical business software tools to capture and manipulate images, voice and video from Windows desktops. The company's flagship software packages, SnagIt and Camtasia Studio, enable customers to create visually enhanced content for teaching, training, Web sites, documentation, and business presentations. Its newest product, Morae, is the first and only all-digital solution for recording and analyzing human-computer interaction. TechSmith products are used by 98 percent of the Fortune 100. For additional information, visit

TechSmith, Camtasia, SnagIt, Rich Recording Technology (RRT), Morae, EnSharpen, Dubit, and Camtasia Studio are trademarks of TechSmith Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks used in this document are the property of their respective companies.

Split Rock Communications for TechSmith
Chad Wandler, 301-585-5021

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