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EastmanKodak開發出X線放射系統升級工具包 【?2005-08-07 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種放射腫瘤學光束放射測量得到了升級,使得臨床醫生現在能夠操縱范圍更加廣泛的光束和密度調制放射治療(IMRT)QA程序,包括對入口進行定位、證實以及接受放射治療患者的同步成像。 這種新型工具包,是由Eastman Kodak公司研制開發的,將配備在Kodak2000RT CR(計算機控制的X線放射檢查儀)增強系統,這是專門位放射腫瘤學專家設計的。在進行升級之后,這套系統具有醫學數字成像和和通訊(DICOM) RT支持功能,能夠與腫瘤學成像控制系統進行平滑的資料傳送與交換,與其它DICOM兼容計劃系統和影響模塊很容易地進行通信。這套系統還能夠輸入治療計劃系統動力范圍縮減(DRR)影像,只需要與端口影像進行同步對比即可。 遠程注釋允許腫瘤學家在遠程工作站上進行評論,并將修改過地影像儲存在數據庫腫。影像不能被拷貝,因為注釋功能只能在“鎖定 ”狀態下使用。強大的搜索功能,允許在沒有自己影像控制系統的地方,很容易的創建工作列表來增加工作效率, The new package, developed by Eastman Kodak Co. (Rochester, NY, USA), will equip the Kodak 2000RT CR (computed radiography) Plus system, which was designed specifically for radiation oncology specialists. With its new upgrade, the system features digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) RT Support, which allows the smooth transfer and exchange of data with oncology image management systems and facilitates communication with other DICOM-compatible planning systems and imaging modalities. The system also has the ability to import treatment planning system dynamic range reduction (DRR) images for easy side-by-side comparison with port images. Remote annotation allows oncologists to make comments at a remote workstation and save modified images to the database. Images cannot be copied because annotations can only be made in the “locked” mode. Powerful search capabilities facilitate the creation of a work list to improve productivity at sites that do not have their own image management system. 本文關鍵字:
Eastman Kodak公司,計算機X線放射檢查.升級,工具包
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