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Smith & Nephew生產出治療足后段疾病的融合釘 【?2006-01-24 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型足后段融合釘能夠幫助外科醫生根據不同患者的需要治療下肢疾病。 這種Trigen足后段融合釘的治療適應癥包括足后段變性、畸形、或者創傷,包括骨折、血管壞死和風濕性關節炎,失敗的全踝關節置換和失敗的踝關節固定術。這種融合釘可以插入腳跟部以確保踝關節置于正確位置,從而幫助骨骼融合入固體結構之中。 踝關節融合手術是一種十分保守的手術方案,預后通常較差。手術需要在改善患者步態的同時減少患者的疼痛。Trigen足后段融合釘(HFN)是Smith & Nephew整型外科(Memphis, TN, USA)的產品,采用顏色標記十分便于移植時候的鑒別。 The Trigen hindfoot fusion nail is indicated for degeneration, deformity, or trauma of the hindfoot, including severe pilon fractures, avascular necrosis, and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as failed total ankle replacement and failed ankle arthrodesis. The hindfoot fusion nail is inserted through the heel to keep the ankle in correct position and allow the bones to fuse into a solid structure. Ankle fusion procedures are typically performed when more conservative options have not produced successful results. The surgical technique is designed to reduce the pain while improving gait for patients. The Trigen hindfoot fusion nail (HFN) is the product of Smith & Nephew Orthopedics (Memphis, TN, USA) and is color-coded for easy implant identification. 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢
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