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研究人員發現大腦中控制行為的區域 【?2006-07-20 發布?】 美迪醫訊
研究人員發現Broca區域,位于大腦顳部左側,當個體被要求組織行動計劃的時候,其相對應的右側就會被觸發。研究人員報道說,對Broca區域總體執行功能的研究結果,能夠解釋該區域在語言處理方面中的重要作用。尤為明顯的是,研究人員發現這些皮層的執行功能不同于顳部對動作的組織控制。 The researchers found that the Broca’s area, which is situated on the left side of the brain in the temple region, and its counterpart on the right side is triggered when individuals are asked to organize plans of action. They reported that their finding of the general executive function of the Broca’s region could explain its vital role in language processing. Significantly, the investigators discovered that this executive function of these cortical regions was different from the organization of temporal sequences of actions. 本文關鍵字:
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