蔡世峰 趙斌 王光彬 于臺飛
【摘要】 目的 研究不同類型正常乳腺表觀擴散系數( ADC) 值的差異, 探討ADC 值與組織學
分型之間的關系。方法 采用單次激發平面回波( EPI) 技術, 擴散敏感因子( b) 值分別為0、500、
1000 s /mm2 , 對62 個正常乳腺( 包括42 例乳腺病變患者的對側正常乳腺及10 名健康志愿者20 個乳
腺) 進行MR 掃描及MR 擴散加權成像( DWI) 檢查, 計算62 個正常乳腺分別在不同b 值時的ADC
值。將62 個正常乳腺分為3 型, 比較3 型之間ADC 值的差異及不同b 值時ADC 值的差異。結果
42 例乳腺病變患者對側正常乳腺的DWI 及ADC 圖與組織切片對比, 不同類型乳腺組織學結構不同,
其DWI 及ADC 圖表現亦有差異。62 個正常乳腺分為致密型10 個, 分葉斑點型42 個及退化型10 個。
致密型和分葉斑點型乳腺隨b 值降低ADC 值升高, 而退化型乳腺隨b 值降低ADC 值變化不明顯。
b = 1000 ~0 s /mm2 時, 致密型、分葉斑點型、退化型乳腺ADC 值分別為( 1. 70 ±0. 37) 、( 1. 93 ±0. 46) 、
( 1. 18 ±0. 65) × 10 - 3 mm2 /s , 3 組間比較差異有統計學意義( F = 12. 998, P = 0. 000) 。不同b 值時每
2 種類型間進行單因素方差分析, 致密型和分葉斑點型之間差異無統計學意義( F = 2. 167, P =
0. 147) ; 致密型和退化型之間、分葉斑點型和退化型之間差異均有統計學意義( F 值分別為5. 593、
19. 128, P 值分別為0. 029、0. 000) 。結論 3 型正常乳腺ADC 值受乳腺組織學結構的影響, 致密型和
分葉斑點型乳腺ADC 值受b 值高低的影響。
【關鍵詞】 乳房; 磁共振成像; 圖像處理, 計算機輔助
Study of appa rent diffusion coefficient va lue in t he norma l br east CAI Shi-feng* , ZHAO Bin,
WANG Guang-bin, YU Tai-fei. * The Medical Imaging Center of Linyi People′s Hospita l of Linyi City,
Shandong Province, Linyi 276003, China
【Abst ract】 Objective To investigate the differences of apparent diffusion coefficient ( ADC) value
in normal breasts and to evaluate the correlation between ADC value and corresponding histology. Methods
Sixty-two normal breasts including 42 normal breasts of 42 patients with unilateral lesions and 20 normal
breasts of 10 volunteers were studied. The ADC value of all 62 normal breasts were calculated when b value
was given from 1000 to 0 s /mm2 , 1000 to 500 s /mm2 and 500 to 0 s /mm2 . The MRI features of 60 normal
breasts were classified into 3 types ( dense, lobular-speckled, degenerative types ) according to Wolf′s
classification and histology. Results DWI and ADC images were different in 3 types of normal breasts
because of different histologic structures. The mean ADC value of the dense type breasts was ( 1. 70 ±
0. 37)× 10 - 3mm2 / s, the lobular-speckled type was ( 1. 93 ±0. 46)× 10 - 3mm2 / s and the degenerative type
was ( 1. 18 ±0. 65)× 10 - 3mm2 / s ( F = 12. 998, P = 0. 000) . There were no significant differences between
the dense type and the lobular-speckled type ( F = 2. 167, P = 0. 147) , but significant differences between
the dense type and the degenerative type, the lobular-speckled type and the degenerate type ( F = 5. 593 and
19. 128; P = 0. 029 and 0. 000) . When b value decreased, the ADC value of the dense type and the lobularspeckled
type increased correspondingly, but the degenerative type didn′t increase apparently. Conclusion
ADC value was influenced by histologic structures in normal breasts and also was influenced by b value in the
dense type and lobular-speckled type breasts.
【Key wor ds】 Breast; Magnetic resonance imaging; Image processing, computer-assisted