多層CT 后處理圖像對主動脈縮窄
劉學靜 王洪波 武樂斌 柳澄 王道萍 王麗君
【摘要】 目的 探討多層螺旋CT( MSCT) 后處理圖像對主動脈縮窄的診斷價值。方法 對9 例
( MPR) 及容積再現( VR) 、最大密度投影( MIP) 、表面陰影成像( SSD) 、薄層VR 重組。結果 9 例患
者經行主動脈CT 成像檢查, 均確診為主動脈縮窄, 其中有2 例合并動脈導管未閉。結果與手術及
DSA 檢查結果相一致。主動脈靶重建全面整體顯示9 例患者縮窄情況, 整體VR 全面整體顯示9 例患
者側支循環情況。結論 MSCT 二維與三維圖像相結合對主動脈縮窄診斷和治療方案的制定以及術
后隨訪是1 種非常有用的無創的檢查方法。
【關鍵詞】 主動脈縮窄; 體層攝影術, X 線計算機; 圖像處理, 計算機輔助
Clinica l value of postpr ocessing images of multi-slice spira l CT in the diagnosis of aor tic coa rctation
LIU Xue-jing, WANG Hong-bo, WU Le-bin, LIU Cheng, WANG Dao-ping, WANG Li-jun. Shandong
Provincal Medical Imaging Research Institute, Shandong University, Jinan 250021, China
【Abstra ct 】 Objective To explore the clinical value of postprocessing images of multi-slice spiral
CT ( MSCT) in the diagnosis of aortic coarctation. Methods Enhanced MSCT scan of the aorta was
performed in 9 patients with suspected aortic coarctation. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional reformation
were performed in all cases by means of MPR ( coronal, sgittal oblique) , MIP, SSD, VR, and clipped VR,
respectively. Results 9 cases were diagnosed as aortic coarctation by MSCT enhanced scan. 2 cases had
patent ductus. The results accorded with surgical and DSA findings. Three-dimensional reformation of aorta
could show the stenosis in all cases, and VR images of the whole chest could show the collateral circulatory
pathways in all cases. Conclusion Two-dimensional and three-dimensional MSCT angiography is a useful
and noninvasive mean to identify aortic coarctation. MSCT is also useful for planning the therapeutic method
and postoperative follow-up examinations.
【Key wor ds】 Aortic coarctation; Tomography, X-ray computed; Image processing, computerassisted
多層CT 后處理圖像對主動脈縮窄-心血管.rar