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宮頸癌前病變檢測:HPV檢測優于Pap檢測 【?2006-07-06 發布?】 美迪醫訊
在檢測宮頸部癌前病變方面,人乳頭瘤病毒(HPV)檢測方法比傳統的Pap斑點法更加敏感。 既往研究顯示使用HPB檢測癌前宮頸病變-上皮內新生物-方面更加敏感,但是假陽性比傳統的Pap斑點法要高,醫生使用該方法在切片上尋找異常細胞。液相細胞學是一種更為新穎的Pap技術,在尋找細胞之前醫生首先將Pap樣本浸入溶液中。一項最新研究對比了這些檢測方法在發現癌前宮頸病變的能力,研究結果發表在2006年7月7日的《國家癌癥研究院期刊》之上。 研究結果顯示在23-60歲女性中,單獨使用HPV檢測就比Pap斑點法更加敏感。補充使用液相細胞學檢測只能夠部分提高敏感性但是同時增加了假陽性。 HPV Test Better Than Pap Test Previous studies have shown that searching for a precancerous cervical lesion called cervical intraepithelial neoplasma using an HPV test is more sensitive but has more false-positives than conventional Pap smears, where doctors look for abnormal cells on a slide. Liquid-based cytology is a newer Pap technology where the doctors first immerse the Pap sample in a solution before looking at the cells. A new study comparing the ability of these tests to discover precancerous cervical lesions was reported in the June 7, 2006, issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The results showed that HPV testing alone was more sensitive than Pap smears among women 35-60 years old. Adding liquid-based cytology improved sensitivity only marginally but increased false-positives. 本文關鍵字:
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