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Boston Scientific推出紫杉醇洗脫冠狀動脈支架 【?2005-02-07 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種紫杉醇洗脫的冠狀動脈支架系統整合了下一代支架技術,具有高度靈活的細胞幾何學、超薄支柱以及均勻一致的細胞分布。 這種支架叫做Taxus Liberte,是波士頓科學公司的產品,擁有Veriflex設計的特性。這種新型平臺為戰勝解剖學難題提供了更好的輸送放置特性和一致性。它還同時具有增強TrakTip導管尖端放置在輸送導管上,這樣提供了更好的穿越病變區域的功能。除此之外,TrakTip需要穿越的病變區域較小,這也增強了穿越功能。Taxus Liberte現在已經在全球18個國家上市。 Mercy醫院和Auckland城市醫院介入心血管醫師John Ormiston醫生評論說:“我個人使用Liberte系統的經驗證實該產品是支架工藝所取得的一個巨大進步。它適應血管壁的能力是無與倫比的,而且它易于輸送放置的特性使得醫生更加容易的到達一些很難觸及的病變區域。” 為了得到美國食品藥品管理局對這種支架系統的批準,波士頓科學公司已經宣布開始臨床試驗。公司第一代藥物洗脫支架系統,Taxus Express2紫杉醇洗脫冠狀動脈支架系統,是世界上冠狀動脈支架市場首屈一指的產品。 Called Taxus Liberte, the stent is the product of Boston Scientific corp. (Natick, MA, USA) and features the Veriflex design. This new platform offers better delivery and conformity in challenging anatomy. It also features the enhanced TrakTip catheter tip, mounted on the delivery catheter, which provides better lesion crossability. In addition, TrakTip has a low lesion-entry profile, which further improves crossability. The Taxus Liberte is now being marketed in 18 countries around the world. “My experience with the Liberte system demonstrates that it represents a dramatic step forward in stent technology,” commented John Ormiston, M.D., interventional cardiologist at Mercy Hospital and Auckland City Hospital (New Zealand). “Its ability to conform to the vessel wall is outstanding, and its ease of deliverability allows us to more easily reach some of the difficult lesions.” Boston Scientific has announced enrollment in a clinical trial designed to support approval of the stent system by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The company’s first-generation drug-eluting stent system, the Taxus Express2 paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent system, is the leader of the worldwide coronary stent market. 本文關鍵字:
Boston Scientific公司,紫杉醇洗脫冠狀動脈支架
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