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【?2008-05-21 發布?】 臨床報道  


李曉兵 史曉晞 秦明明 張繼斌 王曉周 劉仁堅 羅健君
翁小琳 蒯建萍 許建銘 邰曉霞
【摘要】 目的 評價導航技術三維對比劑增強磁共振冠狀動脈成像的應用價值。方法 應用
導航技術三維對比劑增強磁共振血管成像方法, 對20 例受檢者分別進行左、右冠狀動脈成像, 經后處
理獲得左、右冠狀動脈血管圖像。應用信噪比和對比噪聲比評價增強前后的冠狀動脈圖像, 并對冠狀
動脈主干及其主要分支的顯示情況進行評價。結果 ( 1 ) 對獲得成功的18 例冠狀動脈圖像進行評
價, 增強前冠狀動脈圖像的信噪比為26. 37 ±7. 02, 對比噪聲比為14. 76 ±6. 97; 增強后冠狀動脈圖像
的信噪比為38. 87 ±11. 62, 對比噪聲比為33. 72 ±10. 80, 經統計學比較, 信噪比和對比噪聲比增強前
后的差異有統計學意義( t = 2. 91, 4. 62; P < 0. 05) 。( 2 ) 對比劑增強后左、右及左回旋支冠狀動脈近
中段的顯示率為100% , 遠側段的顯示率分別為94. 4%、88. 8% 、77. 8% 。結論 導航技術三維對比
劑增強磁共振冠狀動脈成像有較高的信噪比和對比噪聲比, 應用于臨床尚需進一步的對照研究。
【關鍵詞】 冠狀血管; 磁共振血管造影術; 造影劑
Corona ry a rtery imaging wit h r eal-time na vigator thr ee-dimensional contra st enhanced MR cor onar y
a ngiogra phy LI Xiao-bing, SHI Xia o-xi, QIN Ming-ming, ZHANG J i-bin, WANG Xiao-zhou, LIU Renjia
n, LUO J ian-jun, WENG Xiao-lin, KUAI J ia n-ping, XU Jian-ming, TAI Xiao-xia. Department of
Radiology, Suzhou Municipa l Hospital ( Hea dquarters) , Suzhou 215002, China
【Abstra ct 】 Objective To evaluate the value of real-time navigator three-dimensional contrast
enhanced MR coronary angiography. Methods Real-time navigator three-dimensional contrast enhanced
MR coronary angiography was performed in twenty cases, the major coronary arteries were acquired after
post-processing. The images of the major coronary arteries were evaluated with signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR)
and contrast-to-noise ratio ( CNR) , and observe the demonstration of the major coronary arteries and
branches. Results Of twenty cases, real-time navigator three-dimensional contrast enhanced MR coronary
angiography were successfully performed in eighteen cases . SNR and CNR were 26. 37 ±7. 02, 14. 76 ±6. 97
before contrast enhancement vs 38. 87 ±11. 62, 33. 72 ±10. 80 after contrast enhancement, respectively.
Statistical differences were significant between them( P < 0. 05) . The demonstration of proximal and middle
of the major coronary branches, including left coronary ( left main branch and left anterior descending
branches) , right coronary and left circumflex branch were 100% , and distal of them were 94. 4% , 88. 8% ,
and 77. 8% , respectively. Conclusion Better SNR and CNR can be achieved with real-time navigator
three-dimensional contrast enhanced MR coronary angiography, more researches should be done before
application in clinics.
【Key wor ds】 Coronary vessels ; Magnetic resonance angiography; Contrast media



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