電子束CT 心肌灌注色彩編碼技術的應用
郝曉東 李康印 張成龍 強海霞 李繼軍 高崎煒
【摘要】 目的 探討利用電子束CT( EBCT) 心肌灌注色彩編碼技術分析心肌缺血性改變的影
像學意義及臨床價值。方法 34 例臨床診斷心肌缺血患者進行了EBCT 長軸或短軸多層電影和血
流檢查, 經后處理得到左室心肌色彩編碼參量圖像及相關參數。34 例中, 心電圖診斷心肌缺血28 例,
超聲心動圖診斷心肌缺血31 例, 核素心肌顯像檢查報告34 例61 個節段心肌缺血。結果 EBCT 檢
查報告34 例54 個節段心肌缺血, 前壁18 個節段、前間壁4 個節段、側壁15 個節段、下后壁9 個節段、
心尖8 個節段。EBCT 報告心肌梗死的6 例, 核素心肌顯像檢查均得到同樣的診斷。結論 心肌灌注
色彩編碼參量圖可客觀反映心肌的缺血性改變, 與核素心肌顯像檢查有良好的一致相關性, 且直觀效
果強; 同時, 能為EBCT 冠狀動脈造影診斷冠狀動脈狹窄提供佐證信息, 提高其診斷準確性。
【關鍵詞】 心肌灌注; 心肌缺血; 體層攝影術, X 線計算機
Application of color code technology of myocardial perfusion ( MP ) wit h electron beam comput ed
tomography ( EBCT) HAO Xiao-dong, LI Ka ng-yin, ZHANG Cheng-long, QIANG Ha i-xia, LI Ji-jun,
GAO Qi-wei. CT Imaging Diagnostic Centre of La n Zhou General Hospita l of PLA, Lanzhou 730050, China
【Abstra ct 】 Objective To analyze iconography significance and clinical value of ischemic change of
myocardium by using color code technology of MP with EBCT. Methods Thirty-four cases of patients with
myocardial ischemia ( MI) were performed multilayer image examination and blood flow examination by
EBCT, and parametric images of color code of myocardial and correlative indexes were got after be
processed. There were 28 cases of MI diagnosed by ECG, 31 cases by ultrasound cardiogram and 34 cases in
61 segments by myocardial image. Result s It showed according to EBCT that there were 34 cases of MP in
54 segments , 18 cases in antetheca, 15 cases in side wall and 8 cases in cordis apex. Besides , it showed
that there were 6 cases of myocardial infarction, and the same results were got by myocardial perfusion
imaging ( MPI) . Conclusion Parametric image of myocardial perfusion color code can objectively reflect the
ischemic change of myocardium, which had good correlation with MPI; meanwhile, it can give information to
coronary artery disease with coronary angiography by EBCT and improve the accuracy of diagnosis.
【Key wor ds】 Myocardial perfusion; Myocardial ischemia; Tomography, X-ray computed
電子束CT 心肌灌注色彩編碼技術的應用.rar